Incredible Hulk Cake for a Birthday

This past weekend, we celebrated my nephew's 5th birthday. The big 5!!! He's starting kindergarten this September! Next year it will be my boy's turn. Omg. They grow up so fast.

My sister asked me to make a cake for his birthday and mentioned that he loves superheros, especially the Hulk. When I first heard the "Hulk," my first reaction was no way - that's going to be too hard! I then started searching for images online of Hulk cakes. I didn't like most of the ones I saw and the few that looked awesome were way too complex. After all, this was going to be my fourth cake involving fondant and only my third theme cake. The monkey cake I made was my first theme cake and the Santa hat cake was my second. I'm a newbie! I need an easy design to follow :) And of course this was the first time I was asked to make "someone" else a cake. Better not screw up, right?

I came across this really cool two layer cake of the Hulk. If you could ever do Hulk on two round layers, this would be it! If you don't look pass the cylindrical shapes of the cake, you will probably think it's Frankenstein. That's what I saw at times. I think the tallness of each of the layers makes it look more Frankenstein-ish too, no? So this was it! When I saw this cake, I was like "I can do this one!"

First two cakes seen here on Pinterest were my inspiration.

It took me several hours to bake and decorate my Hulk cake. I think it looks less Frankenstein-ish since it's a shorter cake. Could it pass as a Hulk cake though? A few people on Twitter thought so. I'm still not totally sure myself. Green monster, Frankenstein, Hulk or whatever you want to think of it is cool I guess. It isn't nearly as cool and professional as the original in my search but the people at the birthday party still liked it :) Theme cake #3 complete!


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